Resurrection Radio Podcast: “King Jesus Christ and Eternal Life”

Episode: “King Jesus Christ and Eternal Life”

Good afternoon! This is Eduardo. This is Resurrection Radio Podcast. I am your presenter. We spoke in previous episodes of the importance of King Jesus Christ being able to fulfill the words of the prophets and the word of GOD Almighty of being the individual who is able to provide the manner that we understand the need to have repentance of sin for there to be restoration, renewal, and renovation. We know that there are those difficulties in the world because of false philosophies that want to lead people far from GOD Almighty.

“We spoke in previous episodes of the importance of King Jesus Christ being able to fulfill the words of the prophets and the word of GOD Almighty of being the individual who is able to provide the understanding of the need to have repentance of sin for there to be restoration, renewal, and renovation.”

False Philosophies of Sin

We speak about the Pharisees and how they decided to add commandments. This is so that individuals would not believe in the word of GOD Almighty because they were deciding to create new commandments that were from man. GOD Almighty did not instruct those commandments. We have to know that we have to have discernment to know the truth. We learn that King Jesus Christ was reproving individuals when there was sin. This is so that the people were not led far from GOD Almighty into false belief systems. We learn that the Pharisees added commandments while the Sadducees did not believe in the Resurrection. The Sadducees did not believe that King Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead.

“We have to know that we have to have discernment to know the truth. We learn that King Jesus Christ was reproving individuals when there was sin.”

We learn that the Pharisees and the Sadducees were trying to test King Jesus Christ because they were seeing how the people were following and believing in GOD Almighty. The Pharisees and Saducees wanted to be seen as important, where it is not really about who is of greater importance, but it is about preaching the word of GOD Almighty. We learn that the intention of King Jesus Christ is to glorify GOD Almighty. We learn that we are supposed to glorify GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the things of the world. Because King Jesus Christ decides to obey the commandments, preach repentance of sin, and fight against sin, and fulfill the word of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ is exalted by GOD Almighty. This is what we read about in the word of GOD Almighty.

“Because King Jesus Christ decides to obey the commandments, preach repentance of sin, and fight against sin, and fulfill the word of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ is exalted by GOD Almighty.”

The Commandments of GOD Almighty Are Protection From the Lies of the World

There are individuals that praise, worship, and glorify GOD Almighty above everything, and GOD Almighty exalts them because of their faith and belief in GOD Almighty. Those individuals choose to praise, worship, and glorify GOD Almighty over everything, and GOD Almighty is able to provide great favor because they choose to glorify GOD Almighty over everything and choose to glorify the Creator over the creation. We read about that understanding that exists of knowing that GOD Almighty allows us to know that there is faith that leads to obeying the commandments.

“We read about that understanding that exists of knowing that GOD Almighty allows us to know that there is faith that leads to obeying the commandments.”

We learn that Moses tells us of the need to obey the commandments and be able to read the commandments and speak of the commandments in order to remind ourselves of what we are supposed to partake in and what we are not supposed to partake it. This is so we know the truth from the distinction of the lies of the world. We learn that there is so much information in today’s world that some may be knowledge and some may be wisdom, but we know that wisdom is from GOD Almighty. We have to differentiate because not all the information is with the intention to help us. In today’s age, we need the commandments to protect us and then discernment from the Spirit of Truth to know the difference between the truth and the lies.

“We learn that Moses tells us of the need to obey the commandments and be able to read the commandments and speak of the commandments in order to remind ourselves of what we are supposed to partake in and what we are not supposed to partake it.”

Not Partaking in False Philosophies

There are philosophies that we do not want to be a part of because they want to lead to sin. It starts with small sin until it tries to lead to greater and greater sin. There are those difficulties that exist for individuals who decide to sin, practice idolatry, decide to not obey the commandments, and not have faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We have to pay attention to not partake in that. We read about the Pharisees and how King Jesus Christ was able to reproof and rebuke the Pharisees. We learn that King Jesus Christ was going to test the sons of Levi to know what is in their hearts and mind to know if they glorify GOD Almighty over the things of the world. This is what we read in the prophecy of the prophets of GOD Almighty testing the sons of Levi when King Jesus Christ was preaching repentance of sin. We read that instead of the Pharisees testing King Jesus Christ, GOD Almighty was testing the Pharisees. We read about how King Jesus Christ is resurrected and this speaks to GOD Almighty exalting King Jesus Christ.

“There are philosophies that we do not want to be a part of because they want to lead to sin. It starts with small sin until it tries to lead to greater and greater sin.”

We learn that the Pharisees are given a chance to repent from their false beliefs and sin. We learn that the false beliefs were leading to sin. We learn that instead of repenting, the Pharisees persecute the disciples and apostles. We read about Paul and Peter going through persecution and then there is no temple and there are no priests. This speaks to the manner that GOD Almighty is able to judge the wicked who persecute the righteous. This speaks of GOD Almighty being righteous and being able to judge the wicked. GOD Almighty is a righteous GOD Almighty and protects those that are His. We learn that King Jesus Christ was able to heal the people, guide them to the word of GOD Almighty, preach repentance of sin, give confidence through the word of GOD Almighty, this speaks to being a shepherd, there is faith and belief in GOD Almighty.  

“GOD Almighty is a righteous GOD Almighty and protects those that are His.”

The Pharisees and Sadducees Tested by King Jesus Christ

We learn that the Pharisees and Sadducees instead of being glad about the manner that King Jesus Christ was healing the people with infirmities and preaching repentance of sin and people were repenting of sin, the Pharisees were envious. We learn that GOD Almighty makes all things for the good of the Kingdom of Heaven and the good of believers. We learn that GOD Almighty provides for us to know by reading the word of GOD Almighty and praying for the Spirit of Truth to provide discernment. We learn that there is the resurrection and we know that when King Jesus Christ preaches, King Jesus Christ tells us of the resurrection.

“We learn that the Pharisees and Sadducees instead of being glad about the manner that King Jesus Christ was healing the people with infirmities and preaching repentance of sin and people were repenting of sin, the Pharisees were envious.”

We learn that King Jesus Christ knows what is happening. King Jesus Christ knows of Judas, the Pharisees, and the Saducees and tells the individuals about how GOD Almighty was going to resurrect King Jesus Christ. King Jesus Christ says that the temple was going to be destroyed and in three days it was going to be built up. We learn that King Jesus Christ was speaking about King Jesus Christ being the everlasting atoning sacrifice, everlasting temple, everlasting high priest, and everlasting King of Judah. We read about the importance of King Jesus Christ in providing eternal life when we decide to accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior, repent of sin, fight sin, and have faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.

“We learn that King Jesus Christ was speaking about King Jesus Christ being the everlasting atoning sacrifice, everlasting temple, everlasting high priest, and everlasting King of Judah.”

GOD Almighty is the Creator and Gives Resurrection Power to King Jesus Christ

We learn about the Saducees had a worldly mindset instead of having faith and belief in the word of GOD Almighty.

“The same day Sadducees came to him, who say that there is no resurrection, and they asked him a question, saying, ‘Teacher, Moses said, ‘If a man dies having no children, his brother must marry the widow and raise up offspring for his brother.’ Now there were seven brothers among us. The first married, and died, and having no offspring left his wife to his brother. So too the second and third, down to the seventh. After them all, the woman died. In the resurrection, therefore, of the seven, whose wife will she be? For they all had her.’ But Jesus answered them, ‘You are wrong because you know nether the Scriptures nor the power of GOD. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. And as for the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was said to you by GOD: ‘I am the GOD of Abraham, and the GOD of Isaac, and the GOD of Jacob? He is not GOD of the dead, but of the living. And when the crowd heart it, they were astonished at his teaching.”- Matthew 22: 23-33

We learn that GOD Almighty decides to provide for the resurrection of King Jesus Christ in order to allow us to understand that GOD Almighty is able to give eternal life to the righteous who obey the word of GOD Almighty like King Jesus Christ does. We learn that David prophesied about King Jesus Christ being able to be resurrected. We learn that David was speaking about the difficulties that were existing in his time, but then also prophesying about King Jesus Christ being resurrected on the third day. We learn that understanding that GOD Almighty is the GOD of the living. There is eternal life in GOD Almighty, but we have to obey the commandments, have faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, accepting King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior, repenting of sin, and fighting sin. We know that there is that understanding that GOD Almighty wants us to know.

“We learn that David prophesied about King Jesus Christ being able to be resurrected. There is eternal life in GOD Almighty, but we have to obey the commandments, have faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, accepting King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior, repenting of sin, and fighting sin.”

King Jesus Christ was preaching and we learn that the Sadducees had questions from an earthly perspective. We learn about the story of the a widow who remarries the brother of the previous husband speaking to the words of Moses. We learn that the Sadducees wanted to know which of the brothers would be considered the husband of the widow. We learn that the individuals were having questions about who was going to be considered as the individual who was married to the widow. We learn that instead this perspective speaks about an worldly perspective of not understanding eternal life. The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection and wanted to understand eternal life. We read that they were paying attention to the things of the world instead of the things of GOD Almighty. We learn that King Jesus Christ teaches individuals even when there is the wrong mindset and the wrong perspective.

“The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection and wanted to understand eternal life.”

King Jesus Christ Preaches With a Celestial Perspective While the Sadducees Have a Worldly Perspective

King Jesus Christ is able to change that and teach understanding from that. We learn that in Heaven there is no need of marriage. We learn that marriage is for the reason of raising godly offspring. We learn that is the reason for marriage. When individuals are in Heaven, we know that there is no need for marriage. We read about how there is that understanding of who was married to the widow. We learn that when individuals are in Heaven there is no longer that mindset of the world and that the individuals are like angels. We learn that when individuals have marriage, it is with the intention of having children and raising children that are going to obey the commandments, have faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, repent of sin, and fight sin. We learn that King Jesus Christ preaches about eternal life and how the things of Heaven are different from the perspective of the Sadduccees . We learn that King Jesus Christ was instructed in order to allow individuals to repent of sin and learn about the word of GOD Almighty.

“We learn that when individuals are in Heaven there is no longer that mindset of the world and that the individuals are like angels.”

This is important because King Jesus Christ was trying to teach them about the importance of the resurrection. There is the understanding of eternal life. The Sadduccees did not believe in the resurrection. We know that there is the resurrection of King Jesus Christ. We learn about how King Jesus Christ is able to speak to individuals after the resurrection and there are different accounts of King Jesus Christ speaking to different individuals. We also read about the individuals that were able to see King Jesus Christ after the resurrection like Paul. This speaks to how there is that understanding that the resurrection is real. The resurrection is real and provides something that the world cannot provide. We learn that there are other philosophies but they are not similar to the word of GOD Almighty. We learn that if we decide to glorify GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth by obeying the commandments and repenting of sin, and have faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, there is joy, dominion, sovereignty, strength, might, wisdom, understanding, steadfast love, grace, empathy, peace, and harmony. This is what GOD Almighty can provide to the righteous. This is speaking to the need to repent of sin and fight against sin. This is also speaking about the need to accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior and if we have already accepted King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior then keeping our faith in King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior.  

“This is also speaking about the need to accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior and if we have already accepted King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior then keeping our faith in King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior.”

GOD Almighty is Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent Among Other Qualities That the Human Mind Cannot UnderstandWe read that GOD Almighty is the GOD of the living. GOD, the father, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are before the beginning of creation, in the present, future, and for all eternity, the True GOD Almighty. GOD Almighty is telling us these truths through the Spirit of Truth. There is the need to have discernment through the Spirit of Truth. If we try to read the word of GOD Almighty, we also need to have discernment by having zealous and sincere worship of GOD Almighty and praying for the Spirit of Truth. GOD Almighty is the GOD of Abraham, the GOD of Isaac, the GOD of Jacob, the GOD of David, the GOD of Moses, Peter, Paul, and the disciples. GOD Almighty provides eternal life to King Jesus Christ, and King Jesus Christ is able to provide eternal life to those that have faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the things of the world. There is the need to repent of sin and obey the commandments.

“GOD, the father, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth are before the beginning of creation, in the present, future, and for all eternity, the True GOD Almighty.”

This speaks about the difference in the mindset of King Jesus Christ and the mindset of the Sadducees. The intention of the heart and the mind are important. We learn about the importance to glorify GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth with the intentions of the heart and the mind in order for the decisions and words to also glorify GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We read that the Sadducees were not able to have faith and belief in the resurrection of King Jesus Christ and this speaks of no confidence and no hope. This is because there is no understanding of the power of GOD Almighty because GOD Almighty can provide for the righteous who have faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, who obey the commandments, who have accepted King Jesus Christ or who keep their faith in King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior, and who repent of sin, and fight against sin. There is the need to pray for the Spirit of Truth to guide us and glorify GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over everything that is temporary in the world.

“This speaks about the difference in the mindset of King Jesus Christ and the mindset of the Sadducees.”

GOD Almighty Provides Growth in the Faith and Belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth

We learn that we are supposed to glorify GOD Almighty with all our heart, mind, soul, being, strength, might, understanding, wisdom, sovereignty, and all our being. If we obey the first commandment, then the other commandments are going to be obeyed. This speaks not only of the power of GOD Almighty protecting the righteous like David and Moses, but this is also speaking to after this life. We learn that there is eternal life. That is the difference that some of the other belief systems cannot give that understanding. We learn that there is eternal life in the word of GOD Almighty. King Jesus Christ speaks about how Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob being in the Highest Heaven. We learn that the righteous individuals in the word of GOD Almighty who obey the commandments and have faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, repent of sin, and fight sin are in the Highest Heavens.

“We learn that we are supposed to glorify GOD Almighty with all our heart, mind, soul, being, strength, might, understanding, wisdom, sovereignty, and all our being.”

This speaks to a place that is described as a place that GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth reside. We learn that GOD Almighty is the source of all things good. There is eternal life and good things in the Highest Heavens. This speaks to how GOD Almighty allows us to understand the truth. GOD Almighty provides joy, peace, understanding, strength, might, wisdom, power, authority, dominion, sovereignty, serenity, harmony, empathy, freedom, grace, and steadfast love. We learn in contrast, the philosophies of the world lead to strife and want to lead individuals far from the favor of GOD Almighty. We read about how the Sadducees went against Peter and spoke slander. This is because Peter was able to perform sign and wonders by healing an individual because of the name of King Jesus Christ. We learn that the Sadducees tell Peter not to preach in the name of King Jesus Christ because they felt that individuals were going to learn about the word of GOD Almighty. The Sadducees tell Peter not to preach in the name of King Jesus Christ, even when they acknowledge the signs and wonders that Peter was healing individuals.

“The Sadducees tell Peter not to preach in the name of King Jesus Christ, even when they acknowledge the signs and wonders that Peter was healing individuals.”

The Sadducees Slander Peter

We learn that the Sadducees where blaspheming against GOD Almighty and were slandering Peter because Peter was healing in the name of King Jesus Christ. This speaks to how King Jesus Christ is able to provide healing and restoration through His ministry and then teaches the disciples and apostles to preach repentance of sin. We learn that with the resurrection of King Jesus Christ there is hope and confidence in the future. We learn that there is eternal life in King Jesus Christ. This speaks to good things of how when King Jesus Christ returns from the clouds, there is going to be abundance of food, resources, wisdom because King Jesus Christ is going to preach the word of GOD Almighty. We learn that individuals are going to have peace because the commandments and the word of GOD Almighty is being preached and listened to and there is no longer sin and the consequences of sin.

“We learn that individuals are going to have peace because the commandments and the word of GOD Almighty is being preached and listened to and there is no longer sin and the consequences of sin.”

We learn that there is going to be the understanding, wisdom, and empathy because individuals are no longer going to partake in sin. If there is no sin, there are no consequences of sin. There is no evil, death, and sin any longer. There are only good things that exist in that time of the Thousand Years of King Jesus Christ. We learn that there will be joy, peace, love, grace, understanding, wisdom, authority, dominion, sovereignty, knowledge, grace, empathy, singing, dancing, and mirth. This is because GOD Almighty is going to provide because there is going to be the praise, worship, and glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. All of these things are good things. We know that GOD Almighty speaks to the need to glorify GOD Almighty over everything. We learn about the necessities and the need to keep growing and increasing in understanding.

“We learn that there is going to be the understanding, wisdom, and empathy because individuals are no longer going to partake in sin. If there is no sin, there are no consequences of sin.”

Paying Attention to the Commandments of GOD Almighty Over the Lies of the World

This speaks about the need to keep increasing in sovereignty, strength, might, wisdom, power, authority, dominion, knowledge, understanding, steadfast love, grace, empathy, rejoicing, and empathy. We know that when we praise, worship, and glorify GOD Almighty over the things of the world, GOD Almighty allows us to keep growing in the things that are from GOD Almighty. GOD Almighty provides if we choose the things of GOD Almighty over the things of the world. The world is going to say, “Well those things are abstract, how can you measure that? How is that important when there are other things of the world.” We learn that the things of GOD Almighty are from a higher nature and are from a celestial nature. We learn that this is speaking to the difference to the understanding of the Sadduccees and the wisdom of GOD Almighty.

“We learn that this is speaking to the difference to the understanding of the Sadduccees and the wisdom of GOD Almighty.”

This was because the Sadducees were taught from a worldly perspective so there were those misunderstandings. Instead of paying attention to eternal life, they were paying attention to the things of the world. This speaks to the need to shift our attention from the things of the world to the things of GOD Almighty. We learn that the world is going to say that the commandments are a burden. We know that the commandments are not a burden. The commandments are meant to protect us and are a shield from the lies of the world. We have a light to our steps that is able to allow us to know that we have eternal purpose and eternal meaning and we know what we are allowed to partake in and what we are not supposed to be a part of. We have eternal meaning because GOD Almighty creates us with eternal meaning and eternal purpose. This is so that we can worship GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth for all eternity. That is the reason why GOD Almighty creates the creation. This is so that there is faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. This is to see that difference. We read about the understanding of the resurrection how King Jesus Christ is able to obtain eternal life.

“The commandments are meant to protect us and are a shield from the lies of the world.”

King Jesus Christ Protects and Provides the Righteous Believers

King Jesus Christ is able to provide eternal life when there is faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth, obeying the commandments, repenting of sin, fighting sin, and accepting King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior and keeping faith in King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior.

“Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”- Matthew 28: 16-20

These are some of the things that they were to understand. This is speaking about the need to preach the word of GOD Almighty so that other individuals can repent of sin. We learn that King Jesus Christ was able to obey GOD Almighty with every choice that King Jesus Christ made and chose GOD Almighty over everything and because of this, King Jesus Christ was given authority by GOD Almighty over the creation. We learn that King Jesus Christ does not sin and preaches repentance of sin. We learn that King Jesus Christ is given authority in Heaven and on earth. This speaks to King Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of GOD, the father, and is awaiting to return in all Splendor, Majesty, and Glory. Meanwhile, in that time frame we are supposed to preach the truth and instruct the word of GOD Almighty. We learn that Peter and Paul preach the word of GOD Almighty.

“This is speaking about the need to preach the word of GOD Almighty so that other individuals can repent of sin.”

This is speaking of making disciples. There is the need to preach repentance of sin so that individuals can know about the need to not partake in sin. After the repentance of sin and fighting sin, there is the renewal, restoration, and renovation that GOD Almighty provides. This speaks about the acceptance of King Jesus Christ and obeying the commandments. This is speaking of obeying the word of GOD Almighty to obey the commandments. This speaks of the need to reach repentance of sin and how to fight against sin. Teaching the need to accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior and keeping King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior in our faith and belief. This speaks to renouncing idolatry and sin.

“There is the need to preach repentance of sin so that individuals can know about the need to not partake in sin.”

King Jesus Christ Resurrects on the Third Day and Instructs to Preach Repentance of Sin

King Jesus Christ also says that King Jesus Christ will be with us protecting and providing for the righteous even to the end of the age. We know that King Jesus Christ is returning from the clouds and when King Jesus Christ returns that is the start of the new Renovated New Earth after the defeat of King Jesus Christ’s enemies. We learn that in the meantime, we are to have faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth so that we can obtain the promises of favor and obtain eternal life by obeying the commandments, repenting of sin, and fighting sin. We are also instructed to preach the Gospel to allow other individuals to repent of sin and accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior and so that they can obey the commandments and fight sin.

“We are also instructed to preach the Gospel to allow other individuals to repent of sin and accept King Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior and so that they can obey the commandments and fight sin.”

King Jesus Christ provides understanding and does not allow us to partake with the things of the world. We know that King Jesus Christ is returning from the clouds, but is still providing and protecting us. King Jesus Christ is guiding us through the Spirit of Truth. We know that there is separation between the word of GOD Almighty and the lies of the world. We are not supposed to pay attention to the lies of the world. We are supposed to pay attention to the things of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth that are eternal. The things of GOD Almighty have purpose and meaning. This is because GOD Almighty creates with eternal purpose and eternal meaning so that individuals glorify GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We learn that the word of GOD Almighty speaks to the resurrection that is different from other false philosophies and then we also know that King Jesus Christ protecting and providing even to the end of the ages speaks about the parable of the sower that GOD Almighty protects righteous Christians who decide to persist through their difficulties and have faith and belief in GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth over the lies of the world.

“ This is because GOD Almighty creates with eternal purpose and eternal meaning so that individuals glorify GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth.”

The purpose of this blog is the glorification of GOD Almighty, King Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of Truth. We are reminded in the Book of Revelation of the need to persist through faith in the end times of what we know. We are to have belief in the Scriptures. We are to have faith in King Jesus Christ who died on the cross and resurrected on the third day to give us eternal life and who provides the Spirit of Truth. We are able to glorify GOD Almighty above everything in this world. We are reminded in Revelation to not be a part of idolatry and not to take the technological modification.